Sunday, 22 June 2008

A couple of free software picks

More than a little frustrated with Windows Notepad a little while ago, I thought I must be able to find something better. Occasionally I find myself editing text files in the Delphi editor just because of some of the features it gives me. I was even prepared to pay (well, a sensible shareware price anyway), but it turned out not to be necessary.

I was looking to tick a few boxes:

  • Multiple files open at a time
  • Cut and paste of rectangular block
  • Regular expression search/replace
  • Some kind of macro replay facility.

Casting around a bit, I found Notepad++ on SourceForge - – which ticks those boxes, and a whole lot more, including syntax highlighting for a long list of languages (including SQL and Pascal), folding capabilities (particularly useful for expanding and collapsing sections of XML files), side-by-side compare of two edit buffers, and lot more.

The second one is a well-known (to some, anyway) FTP solution, FileZilla ( Both client and server software, with support for secure FTP. Nothing too flash, but it just works.